About us
Who we are About us

Supporting Angolan civil society
Friends of Angola (FOA) is a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt advocacy organization based in Washington, DC that was established in 2014 toraise the consciousness of the global community to the challenges facing Angola and to support Angolan civil society.
Friends of Angola (FOA) will collaborate with other partners to raise the consciousness of the world community on the challenges facing Angola and to support Angolan civil society. This effort is mainly geared towards the youth, women and former combatants in Angola and around the world by providing them with support, training and resources. Projects will involve working and partnering with national leadership, community and religious leaders, and allies of civil society as well as nonprofit organizations.
We believe by engaging the youth, we can contribute to the promotion of practical leaders while lowering economic hardship and illiteracy. We also believe empowering youth will create a ripple effect that will considerably enhance sustainable peace in Angola.

“To raise the consciousness of the world community on the challenges facing Angola and to support Angolan civil society.”
“To empower Angolan civil society in order to build a peaceful, democratic and prosperous society.”