By Pedro Agosto Luanda — Angola Bureau LUANDA, (CAJ News) – THE ongoing debacle around a multinational firm caught up in a global multibillion-dollar accounting scandal and the coinciding with the collapse of a bank after some members of the ruling party were implicated is a major blow to Angola President Joao Lourenco’s pledge to…

By Reliefweb Angola The humanitarian situation in Angola continues to deteriorate, and is disproportionately affecting women and children. Erratic rainfall throughout south Angola has worsened drought conditions, affecting 2.3 million people, including over 491,000 children under 5 years. GAM prevalence sits at 9.8 percent SAM is at 5.6 percent according to VAC results. Between 70…

By: Friends of Angola It is with great concern that we follow the drought situation in southern Angola as it continues to decimate family members with greater emphasis on children under five years of age. Provinces bordering other countries like Cunene, Kuando Kubango and Moxico are the most widely affected and people are choosing to…

By Friends of Angola According to a Voice of America (VoA) article published on September 4th, 2019, a major oil spill hit the sea in the Angolan Cabinda province and left many fishermen without much activity. It is yet another major oil spill with consequences for the Angolan fish industry. Fishermen are unable to go…