By Friends of Angola PRESS RELEASE: Referring to the October 15, 2019 incident involving the police and citizens taking part in a peaceful demonstration, it is with grave concern that Friends of Angola (FoA) denounces the brutality with which the National Police acted. Organizers reported that the peaceful demonstration was convened to challenge the high…
Fonte: VOA Dezenas de milhares de pequenos criadores de gado que foram afastados das suas terras para dar lugar a explorações pecuárias comerciais estão a ser expostos a um risco ainda maior de fome e inanição devido à seca que aflige o sul de Angola. A denúncia é da Amnistia Internacional (AI) e foi divulgada…
By The Modern Ghana Tens of thousands of pastoral farmers who have been driven off their land to make way for commercial cattle ranches have been exposed to a greater risk of hunger and starvation as drought grips southern Angola according to a new report published by Amnesty International today. The end of cattle’s paradise:…
By Associated Press JOHANNESBURG — The Catholic church in Angola is urging the government to declare a state of emergency over the drought that has affected at least 1 million people in the country’s south. The comments on Monday, reported by the Portuguese news agency Lusa, follow a similar call last month by Angola’s main…
The Angolan Government, through the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, has still not responded to Friends of Angola’s request to formally legalize its operations in Angola as a nongovernmental organization (NGO). Over 120 days have passed since all required documentation and a formal request for recognition was submitted; a development which contradicts the law…
O Governo Angolano, por meio do Ministério da Justiça e dos Direitos Humanos, não respondeu até ao momento ao processo da organização não-governamental Friends of Angola (FoA), que pretende legalizar a instituição no país, numa altura em que são passados mais de 120 dias desde que foi remetida, com toda a documentação exigida, a solicitação…