Por Lusa|DW A organização “Friends Of Angola” (FoA) está a promover uma campanha virtual a exigir “liberdade incondicional” para todos os presos políticos, incluindo oito ativistas detidos em Cabinda desde dezembro de 2019. Rafael Morais, ativista dos direitos humanos e diretor da “Friends Of Angola” (FoA) em Angola, em entrevista à DW África conta que…

Por VOA A organização não governamental Friends of Angola (FoA), com sede em Washington DC, nos Estados Unidos, escreveu uma carta à presidente do Banco Central Europeu (BCE), Christine Lagarde, e ao governador do Banco de Portugal, Carlos da Silva Costa, a solicitar “uma investigação formal e/ou cancelamento da licença bancária portuguesa das agências bancárias…

Dear Friends and Colleagues: I hope this message finds you and your loved ones healthy and safe. On behalf of Friends of Angola, I would like to take a moment and share with you our efforts to assist in combating the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). In collaboration with local partners, we are using our technology…

By OCCRP A group of Angolan government officials and senior bank executives funnelled hundreds of millions of dollars out of the country with little oversight, creating their own private banking network through which they sent the money to Portugal and elsewhere in the European Union, an OCCRP investigation has found. The network sent at least…

By Communal News The measure does not cover quarantined citizens and inter-provincial travel will continue to be banned after Sunday. The mandatory quarantine is maintained for citizens who come from countries with community circulation of the virus and for professionals exposed to risk. The presidential decree suspends a series of individual rights. Angolan President João…

Luanda (AFP)| France 24 It is a cry from the heart and the stomach that is reverberating across African towns and cities reeling under lockdowns and curfews to contain the spread of the coronavirus. “How can anyone stay home without anything to eat?” asked Garcia Landu, a motorcycle taxi driver in the bustling Angolan seaside…

By AFP Luanda (AFP) – Angola on Monday deployed a special police unit in armoured vehicles to patrol Luanda streets to enforce anti-coronavirus regulations as people continued to venture outside despite restrictions on movement. President Joao Lourenco declared a state of emergency in the southwest African country last month to halt the spread of the…

Por Friends of Angola COMUNICADO DE IMPRENSA COVID-19 Friends Of Angola a Favor da Quarentena para a Preservação da Saúde e da Vida, Mas Condena os Excesso das Forças de Segurança Pública. República de Angola decretou às 00h00 do dia 27 de Março pela primeira vez, desde a sua independência o Estado de Emergência (Decreto…