Friends of Angola

PUBLIC NOTE   House Burglary and Threats to The Secretary- General of The Union of Teachers of Higher Education Luanda, 11 de Abril de 2023   The Association for Justice, Peace and Democracy (AJPD) and Friends of Angola (FOA) learned that on April 10th, 2023, Professor Eduardo Peres Alberto, Secretary General of the Union of…

Clarification about the recent massacre in the village of Lunge, municipality of Bailundo, Huambo province                                                          Friends of Angola                                                                    2300 18th St NW # 21602                                                                                           Washington, DC 20009                                                  …

To:                             U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken And                                        U.S. Ambassador to Angola, Tulinabo Mushingi CC: Senator Ben Cardin Senator Robert Menendez Senator Chris Van Hollen Senator James Risch Representative Yvette Clarke Senator Timothy Kaine Representative Mark Green Senator Marco Rubio Representative Albio Sires Representative Michael McCaul RE:  Immediate release of all political prisoners in…


Por Shilda Cardoso Setembro 26, 2022 Há quem diga que até mesmo o cego e o surdo têm conhecimento de que os órgãos de comunicação pública em Angola estão além dos interesses públicos. Os Angolanos já a muito tempo vêm percebendo que, a Televisão Pública de Angola (TPA), a Rádio Nacional de Angola, Jornal de…

Por LUSA O Movimento Cívico Mudei, de Angola, apelou hoje à libertação de seis ativistas detidos nos passados dias 25 e 26 em circunstâncias que classifica como “manifestamente ilegais” e que “estão a ser vítimas de abusos por parte de forças policiais”. Numa carta aberta dirigida à Comissão Nacional Eleitoral (CNE), à Provedoria de Justiça…

Por Shilda Cardoso | Senior Researcher at Friends of Angola Agosto 22, 2022 É com muita preocupação e urgência que a Friends of Angola apela às Instituições de Segurança e Defesa em Angola a posicionarem-se patrioticamente perante as eleições no dia 24 de Agosto de 2022. É do nosso conhecimento que em Angola, a estabilidade…

Imagem: Internet By Shilda Cardoso The MPLA politics is as perplexing as one can imagine. Often, we define the ruling party as consisting of unanimous and affirmative leadership due to the excessive powers granted to its leaders and the subsequent support of the remaining members. Historically, the MPLA regime modeled itself as an elite Marxist-Leninist…

Greetings! I am the Executive Director at Friends of Angola, an advocacy-based organization focused on human rights, transparency, and good governance in Angola. I am writing to bring your attention to support the U.S. Senate resolution calling on the Government of Angola to hold free, fair, and peaceful elections on August 24, 2022. The resolution…

By Shilda Cardoso | Friends of Angola August 4, 2022 The United States Senators Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Ben Cardin (D-Md.), and Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), Chairman of the SFRC Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health Policy, have recently introduced a Senate resolution calling for free, fair, and peaceful…