By Amnesty International Joint Statement: Civil Society Calls for the Unconditional and Immediate Release of the Gaza-18 Election Party Delegates The undersigned civil society organizations strongly condemn the poor conditions of detention and ill-treatment of 18 election observers from the opposition New Democracy (ND) party in Guija district. The 18 were arrested by the Mozambican…

Fonte: Amnistía Internacional As organizações da sociedade civil abaixo assinadas condenam veementemente as más condições de detenção e os maus-tratos sofridos pelos 18 observadores eleitorais do partido da oposição Nova Democracia (ND), no distrito de Guijá. Estas 18 pessoas foram detidas pelas autoridades moçambicanas no distrito de Chókwe, província de Gaza, quando monitorizavam o processo…

By Friends of Angola It is with great concern that we have come to learn about the use of false identity as well as bribery attempts from individuals linked to the Angolan embassy in Washington, DC to discourage board members to disassociate with Friends of Angola. Friends of Angola will like to remind the Embassy…

Fonte: Friend of Angola É com bastante preocupação que a Direcção da Friends of Angola tomou conhecimento de que indivíduos ligados a Embaixada de Angola, perseguem e tentam subornar os nossos colaboradores para que se desvinculem da Friends of Angola. A Friends of Angola lembra a Embaixada de Angola e ao governo angolano em geral,…

Three activists held at the headquarters of the municipality of Kalandula, Malange province, were sentenced last Friday, 11/01, to 15 days in prison and ordered to pay a fine of 20,000 kwanzas each, by the Municipal Court of Cacuso. By Radio Angola A number of young people – Hermenegildo Jesus, Teixeira Moses and Felix de…

Friends of Angola once again condemns the continuing repression of young people who were detained in an attempt to rally in Kalandula, Malanje province. The repression was carried out again by the National Police, an institution whose duty is to protect the demonstrators. Friends of Angola (FoA) remains concerned about the wave of repression against…