Friends of Angola

By Foreign Brief Today, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde will conclude her two-day visit to Angola, where she discussed the three-year implementation of a $3.7 billion loan. Angola’s oil output levels have declined in recent years, stagnating growth and increasing unemployment upwards of 20%. Since President Joao Lourenco’s election last year, initial reforms that have…

By Prensa Latina Luanda, 21 Dec (PL) The forced repatriation of capitals, illegally taken out of Angola, begins next 26th, President Joao Lourenzo announced Friday, saying he trusts on the success of the process, whose six-month voluntary phase will conclude this Saturday. ‘It is too early to talk about success or failure, do not rush,’…

The Globe and Mail|GEOFFREY YORK AFRICA BUREAU CHIEF JOHANNESBURG A Canadian scholar says he feared for his life when 20 soldiers took him into custody and held him at gunpoint for two days at a military base in northern Mozambique this week as he was researching a mysterious insurgency in the region. David Matsinhe, an…

Image:Friends of Angola By africanews Angola has implemented the recommendations of the IMF’s Enhanced General Data Dissemination System (e-GDDS) by publishing critical data through a “data hub” — National Summary Data Page (NSDP). The page aims to serve as a one-stop-shop for essential macroeconomic data on national accounts, government operations and debt, monetary and financial…

By Jonathan Rozen|QUARTZ AFRICA December 7, 2018 They came for her on her way home. Walking from the offices of her newspaper on 10 October 2018, Sylvanie Kiaku did not expect to be arrested by officers of the judicial police. Kiaku, the editor of the La Percée, also did not expect to be detained or…

By – Associated Press JOHANNESBURG — The International Monetary Fund says it has approved a three-year loan of about $3.7 billion for Angola, which seeks to diversify its economy and curb corruption after a new president took office last year. The IMF said Friday that the loan aims to help the southern African country restructure…

Fonte: VOA Em Luanda foram realizadas duas manifestações Apesar da concentração para a manifestação contra o desemprego, na cidade de Malanje, ter tido no local apenas oito indivíduos, a Polícia impediu que a mesma se realizasse, neste sábado, 8 de Dezembro. Os oito activistas presentes no largo Nginga Mbande foram levados para uma unidade policial…

Fonte: VOA Protestos contra desemprego estão marcadas para 12 províncias angolanas As autoridades policiais detiveram três membros da organização que prepara uma marcha prevista para sábado, 8, em Cabinda em protesto contra os índices elevados de desemprego naquela província angolana. Os detidos são João Heleno, José Nelson Liambo Tati e José O Próprio. Horas antes…

By africanews Angolan president Joao Lourenco on Tuesday met with a section of civil society groups and human rights activists in the country. According to human rights researcher, Zenaida Machado, among the invited were former enemies of the state, activists Luaty Beirao and Rafael Marques. A local media portal reported however that Marques, despite being…

A iniciativa pertence à 3ª Divisão, Movimento de Hip Hop intervencionista de Cacuaco, zona mais a norte da capital do País. O espectáculo contará com a presenta de rappers que se solidarizam com a causa dos jovens como é o caso de MC Life, Kabanga Dikulo, Luaty Beirão e outros Por Fernando Guelengue Para chamar…