Por VOA A cultura de impunidade e a corrupção continuam a impedir a responsabilização daqueles que violam os direitos humanos em Angola, apesar das melhorias registadas no último ano em Angola. A conclusão é do Relatório sobre os Direitos Humanos no Mundo, referente a 2019, apresentado nesta quarta-feira, 11, em Washington, pelo secretário de Estado…

Fonte: VOA Dezenas de milhares de pequenos criadores de gado que foram afastados das suas terras para dar lugar a explorações pecuárias comerciais estão a ser expostos a um risco ainda maior de fome e inanição devido à seca que aflige o sul de Angola. A denúncia é da Amnistia Internacional (AI) e foi divulgada…

By Jaclyn Jaeger | Compliance Week The U.K. Serious Fraud Office on June 3 fined U.K.-based logistics and freight operations company FH Bertling £850,000 (U.S. 1.08 million) for a bribery scheme created to secure contracts in Angola. The four-year investigation and prosecution by the SFO targeted FH Bertling’s involvement in an oil project in Angola,…

Fonte: Observador Pelo menos 14 milhões de angolanos não possuem registo de nascimento e bilhete de identidade, divulgou o secretário de Estado da Justiça angolano. Pelo menos 14 milhões de angolanos não possuem registo de nascimento e bilhete de identidade, divulgou hoje o secretário de Estado da Justiça angolano, embora garantindo que um “novo paradigma…

Source: Reliefweb The drought in Angola continues to be exacerbated by below average and erratic rainfall, and inadequate humanitarian response to address urgent needs. Between January and March, UNICEF screened 43,578 children for malnutrition in Lunda Norte, Huila, Cunene, Bie and Namibe. A total of 2,500 children under five with SAM were admitted for therapeutic…

By U.S.Embassy in Angola Joint Declaration THE REPUBLIC OF ANGOLA AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGREE TO PROMOTE HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE SECOND BILATERAL DIALOGUE On March 19, 2019, the Republic of Angola and the United States of America held the second Bilateral Dialogue on Human Rights at the Ministry of Justice and Human…

By North Africa Post The United States will grant Angola around two million dollars in ongoing assistance for combating money laundering and terrorist financing, the US Deputy Secretary of State has announced. John Sullivan made the announcement in Luanda Monday at a joint press conference with Angolan Foreign Minister Manuel Augusto at the end of…

By Manuel Ennes Ferreira, Ricardo Soares de Oliveira | OXFORD From inauspicious beginnings in a post-socialist, highly dysfunctional financial system, Angolan banking grew in less than a decade after the end of the country’s long civil war into one of Africa’s largest. Fuelled by the country’s oil boom, banks became crucial in articulating Angola’s interactions…

By Pedro Agosto | allAfrican.com Luanda — SADDLED with a growing debt burden and struggling to eradicate poverty, Angola still has the luxury of splurging millions in foreign currency under the state carrier’s fleet restructuring and modernisation programme. This is the latest in a series of deviations by President Joao Lourenco from his pledges to…

Content provided by africanews EXX Africa (www.EXXAfrica.com) published a special report on the risk of spill-over of the Mozambique debts scandal into Angola. On 25 January, Mozambique’s Parliament requested that the country’s former finance minister Manuel Chang be held in preventative custody while he awaits extradition to the United States following his recent arrest in…