By The Modern Ghana Tens of thousands of pastoral farmers who have been driven off their land to make way for commercial cattle ranches have been exposed to a greater risk of hunger and starvation as drought grips southern Angola according to a new report published by Amnesty International today. The end of cattle’s paradise:…
Fonte: DW Angola lidera uma lista de países com o maior número de incêndios florestais. O país registou 6.902 fogos nos últimos dois dias, comparado com os 2.127 no Brasil, principalmente na Amazónia, aponta satélite da NASA. O Brasil é o terceiro país com o maior número de fogos, numa lista liderada por Angola, que…
Picture: Financial Times By CAJ News LUANDA, (CAJ News) – THE Angolan government has again come under criticism for its misplaced priorities in the establishment of the Administrative Political Centre in the capital Luanda. While costs of the mega project have not been disclosed, critics of the administration of President Joao Lourenco have raised concern…
By News24 “I was defending this area during the war,” Domingo Seiala explains hunched over his rusted crutches – a constant reminder of the injuries he sustained during the Angolan civil war. The bloody post-colonial conflict lasted from 1975 to 2002, pitting the ruling MPLA against Unita rebels. Seiala, a veteran of the MPLA armed…
Os sete activistas do auto-denominado Movimento Revolucionário em Benguela continuam encarcerados pela Polícia Nacional, após a sua detenção na última terça-feira, 02/07, na cidade do Lobito quando realizavam uma “manifestação pacifica” devido a falta de água. Radio Angola|Eduardo Ngumbe | Benguela Os jovens activistas foram detidos por volta das 9 horas, de terça-feira, por efectivos…
By LUSA|Friends of Angola Friends of Angola (FoA), a non-governmental organization (NGO), has urged the World Bank to increase transparency regarding the funding it has made available to the Angolan Government for social security and water projects. FoA, an organization created in 2014 and headquartered in Washington, informed The World Bank that it was concerned…
Fonte: Faustino Henrique|Jornal de Angola 27 de Maio, 2019 Independentemente de eventuais falhas, a criação da Comissão da Verdade e Reconciliação, na África do Sul, foi um exemplo positivo para África e para o mundo, razão pela qual em muitos Estados, com uma realidade pós-conflito, levantaram vozes que defendiam a necessidade de um exercício semelhante….
Welwitschia is a fierce critic of his father’s successor, President Joao Lourenco By AFP LUANDA, Angola – One of former Angolan president Jose Eduardo dos Santos’ daughters, a serving lawmaker for the ruling party, has claimed she was forced to “flee” the country after being intimidated. “I received threats from the head of the parliamentary…
By VOA In recent years, Angola has become one of the richest countries in Africa. One reason is money earned by Angola’s oil industry. In 2017, business advisory service Mercer named the capital, Luanda, the most costly city for foreigners to live in. But, many Luandans do not have access to even basic needs. Luanda…
By Friends of Angola In 2020, Angola will hold its first municipal elections where mayors will be elected for the first time by popular vote. The focus of this project is to engage citizens, traditional and local leaders, civil society and politicians in the political process and encourage democratic development through providing the tools to…