PUBLIC NOTE House Burglary and Threats to The Secretary- General of The Union of Teachers of Higher Education Luanda, 11 de Abril de 2023 The Association for Justice, Peace and Democracy (AJPD) and Friends of Angola (FOA) learned that on April 10th, 2023, Professor Eduardo Peres Alberto, Secretary General of the Union of…

A Friends of Angola (FoA) condenou os actos de violência policial contra os militantes do partido UNITA, que culminou com a morte de um dos manifestantes, quando no sábado, 11, saíram às ruas da cidade de Benguela em marcha de apoio ao seu presidente, Adalberto Costa Júnior, pela sua eleição ao cargo no XIII Congresso…

By U.S.Embassy in Angola Joint Declaration THE REPUBLIC OF ANGOLA AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGREE TO PROMOTE HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE SECOND BILATERAL DIALOGUE On March 19, 2019, the Republic of Angola and the United States of America held the second Bilateral Dialogue on Human Rights at the Ministry of Justice and Human…

There is no development without freedom Angolan authorities arrested 11 demonstrators on November 17, 2018, in Lunda Sul. Detainees held a demonstration at the time of the arrests. The intent of the protest was to express the desire form autonomy for those residing in the Lunda Sul region. Among those detained is Domenica Fudiela 40…

By Africanews Angolan president João Lourenço addressed the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Wednesday. It was the first time an Angolan head of state spoke in the Chamber before Members of the EU Parliament. Maintaining democratic institutions, investing in basic care, fighting corruption and opening up to foreign investment dominated the president’s speech. “Children of…

By Friends of Angola The Friends of Angola became aware of the arrest and subsequent sentencing of the young protesters Afonso Simon Muatchikukulu, Justin Horacio Antonio Valente and António José Fernando, accused of public damage and injuries against public authorities under the law of crimes against state security ” as suggested by the judge Ilda…

A organização não-governamental, “Friends of Angola”, sediada nos Estados de América, ameaça uma manifestação defronte a Embaixada de Angola, para exigir a libertação de quatro jovens angolanos, condenados recentemente a sete meses de cadeia, na província de Malange, devido a distúrbios e vandalização a caravana do Vice-Presidente da República, Bornito de Sousa, na celebração do…

By CPJ March 2, 2018 11:40 AM ET President Joao Lourenco President of Angola Palacio Presidencial Rua 17 de Setembro Luanda, Angola March 2, 2018 Dear President Lourenco, The Committee to Protect Journalists, an independent press freedom advocacy organization, is deeply concerned about the state of media freedom in Angola. We urge your new administration…

By Friends of Angola For the age of concrete rights The Zuela Project, embodies the theme “Know and Demand Your Rights.” This theme was introduced because as an organization, we understand that to train people to use the Zuela application in reporting and defending Human Rights, might involve certain legal precedents and we want to…